Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

All of These Things are Unfortunately Someone's Daughter

All-Girl Juggalo Mosh Pit - Watch more Funny Videos

This is What Old Women do Together

Grandmas On A Green Screen Roller Coaster - Watch more Funny Videos

Ludacris is Well Travelled

Heard the song "Area Codes" by Ludacris?

You have now:

If you actually listened, Luda rifles off some area codes in which he has fornicated with various questionable women, "hoes."

Provided is a map of all areas in which a hoe has been banged out by Luda.

Click to enlarge that ish.

Keep on truckin' Luda.

Iranian Police Run Over Protester

Iran is fuckin' crazy

Still Slappin' at 74

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Newest Banksy

Broken Bells - The High Road

Broken Bells is James Mercer (The Shins) and Danger Mouse (Gnarls Barkley). An unlikely duo? Perhaps, but they do it so well. Definitely trying to cop this album when it drops in March-ish.

Here's their first single "The High Road."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

GDP- Gonzo Journalism

GDP - Gonzo Journalism. from Dale Doyle on Vimeo.

Shape Drops a New One

Hey all, this is me not sleeping. Can't complain though, perfect music listening/pirating time. A few months back I posted a freestyle from Shape of Division East which I'm sure none of you listened to. Looks like he's at it again, releasing his third album "Flower/Violence." Shape himself is calling this "the final installment of the Glass House Trilogy." Conveniently enough, Shape agrees that music should not be made for money, so he is offering up not just this album, but all three of his albums for the low price of free ninety-nine. Go over to his site now and snatch up "The Glass House" as well as "Raised Near the Powerlines" and his new ish, all free. Why not? YoBrahsh! approves these albums.

Click the picture of a drunken James Bates to grab the albums.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Death Threats AND They Lost Domino's!

Here's a ridiculous article I just came across.

MTV Recieves Death Threats over 'Jersey Shore'

'Jersey Shore' is causing some trouble for the network that originally defined reality television with 'The Real World' in 1992. MTV has tweaked its groundbreaking formula for a new generation of reality fans - and some people are unhappy with the results. Really unhappy. FOXNews reports that MTV has received irate emails, phone calls and death threats over the 'Jersey Shore' premiere. The show features a group of young Italian-Americans living together in a summer home; amidst the expected drama, the men and women refer to each other as "guidos" and "guidettes," a bit of cultural insensitivity that has enraged many, including a national Italian-American service organization based in New Jersey.

The stars of the show use "ethnic slurs, violence and poor behavior to marginalize and stereotype Italian-Americans," says UNICO president Andre Dimino. He told the NY Times, "Their behavior is reprehensible and demeaning in all respects. I don't see any redeeming value in the show. They are an embarrassment to themselves and to their families."

"Trash television sells, and they'd be more interested in making money than how they're offending a great group of people," Dimino told the Newark Star-Ledger.

UNICO's response has been more restrained than others. "The MTV building in Times Square was getting crazy threats and they are in the process of hiring more security in bodyguards," a source told FOXNews.

Despite the public outcry and loss of advertisers like Domino's Pizza, MTV is holding steady with its new ratings-grabber. In a statement, a network rep confirmed: "We understand that this show is not intended for every audience and depicts just one aspect of youth culture. Our intention was never to stereotype, discriminate or offend."

As for the Domino's pullout, the rep added that the series "may not be for every sponsor or advertiser and we understand that."

Other Than That, He Looks Legit...

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Just delivered from Cali, nicest crop i have seen ever... Grandaddy purps to the left and the ever so famous Sour Diesel to the right.

Roll that shit up

Uncle Randys Blunts 25$ a pop yo. Brief history on the making, Randy has learned how to roll a blunt many a year ago. I was taught by a young lad that we will call Eric Regan... I of course perfected the art of rolling and to this day he still thinks he can roll a better blunt then I. Yowzer.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

In The Spirit of the Season...

With MTV premiering "Jersey Shore" in just a few short hours from now, it would only be right for YoBrahsh! to get ourselves, as well as you people, into the spirit of the season. Those of you that are from the area realize that none of us "fist pump like champs," and we are damn sure that none of you "started the poof." With that said, we would like to issue an open apology to those of you that read YoBrahsh! from outside of New Jeruze. If we had our way, these people would be your states problem, unfortunately it seems that a mass exodus of Italians is not likely to happen anytime soon. What better a time to post an absurd amount of pictures of the only demographic of people where the men look like women, the women look like men, orange is tan, and the only thing pumped more than steroids is fists. Enjoy.

The commercial that started it all:

Note the armpit sweat, most likely some form of grease.

For your viewing (dis)pleasure:

Here's a quick link for you:

NJ Guido for more pictures, videos, and so on of Jerseys favorite group of transexuals.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

We Are...Alcohol Fueled Rioters

Just a pretty ill video that demonstrates what the worlds largest student section can do.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Say What?!

"How do these things end? Do they release dogs or something?" - Overheard at viewing.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Say What?!

"Nah, I'm not bringin' it down this song rocks."

"This song rocks my pants off."

Pav talking about a song in the shed.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

"That explained why I had been constipated for months."

My Vagina FELL OUT!

(Nov. 6) -- Allison Henry isn't the first to suffer from a horrifying medical condition that few women talk about. But her case was particularly bad, and she's just one of the few brave souls willing to come forward so that others will have the courage to seek help.

To put it bluntly, as Henry does: "My vagina fell out of my body."

The 39-year-old school psychologist from Kenmore, Wash., suffered from a rare combination of disorders that began when she was pregnant with her son, Kirian, and she writes an amazing account of her bizarre medical condition on

"I know it sounds like a science fiction movie," she told "Every time I retell this story, I still tell myself, 'I can't believe this happened to me.'"

It began five years ago, when Henry was in her 10th week of pregnancy with Kirian, her second child. She had vowed that she wouldn't gain 60 pounds this time around, and she was practicing prenatal yoga in her home when she felt a sudden pain.

"It felt like someone rammed a pitchfork up my butt, so I stopped," she writes. "It was an intense, sharp paint, but it passed."

Later that day, while giving her daughter lunch, she ran to the bathroom, thinking she had to urinate, and found blood gushing instead. "It was the biggest scare of my life," she writes.

Her OB/GYN couldn't figure out what was wrong, and she kept bleeding. "I'd bleed through a maxi pad in 30 minutes," she says.

In her 25th week, she was put on bed rest in the hospital, where she stayed for three weeks. When she finally went home, she started bleeding again and had to go back.

"My husband and I were so worried," she says. "My son was born 6 1/2 weeks early. Thank God, he's OK now."

Doctors found that she had developed a hematoma outside her placenta, and they thought that was the root of her problem.

In fact, her problems were just beginning.

'My Insides Were on the Outside'

"One day in the bathroom, I felt something kind of strange when I was wiping," she writes. "There wasn't really a hole there -- it felt kind of flat. I thought it was a little weird, but I had a 19-month-old and a newborn to care for, so I brushed it off. I wasn't bleeding, I wasn't in pain, so I didn't address it."

What Henry was describing was the beginning of a vaginal prolapse, a condition in which the vagina, uterus, rectum, bladder, urethra and small intestine shift and -- in severe cases -- innards may protrude from the body.

"Women will suffer for years and not tell anyone," says Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, a gynecologist in Los Angeles. "They'd rather tell their doctor they have a sexually transmitted disease than say that something is hanging out of them."

"Allison Henry clearly had an extraordinary, horrible case," the doctor says. "But it's widely estimated that 30 percent of women or more suffer some degree of prolapse in their lifetime."

Instead of dealing with her health problem, Henry turned her attention to raising her children. She also had to have an appendectomy, which consumed much of her time over the next year.

Still, each time she went to the bathroom, she noticed her problem was getting worse.

"One night, I took a look down there, and it was like my insides were on the outside and they were coming out," she writes. "I knew I couldn't put this off any longer. I went to my doctor and said, 'My vagina is falling out of my body!'

"I was referred to a pelvic floor specialist. She took a look and said, 'Holy crap -- your vagina is falling out of your body, and it's dragging your bladder and your rectum along with it!'"

In addition to a uterine prolapse, Henry also suffered rectocele -- a condition wherein the rectum pushes into the back walls of the vagina. "That explained why I had been constipated for months," she says.

Henry also suffered from cystocele, a condition similar to rectocele, only with the bladder.

While the normal uterus is 8 to 11 centimeters inside the vagina, hers was only 3 centimeters up, and when she was standing, it was sticking out at least 5 centimeters.

After confronting the problem, Henry was able to undergo a series of surgeries to restore her vagina, untwist her bladder, and push her rectum back into place.

"On top of this, I had a labia reduction, which was brutal," she writes. "All of 'Dr. 90210's' patients who say it doesn't hurt are lying. I'd rather get my teeth pulled out than do that again!"

Stable Mable Regains Her Humor

Her road to recovery has not been easy. At one point, she lost 30 pounds and had to return to the hospital several times to deal with complications.

"I had always been a healthy person, nothing so much as a yuckie pimple when I was growing up," she says. "And then, I was incapacitated for several weeks, many times.

"Among my friends, I was always the stable Mable," she says. "'I eventually started taking anti-depressants to cope with the chronic stress and I became so emotionally depleted."

Henry credits her husband for pulling her through. "He is the kind of man who doesn't need to be asked to do something," she says. "He just does it. It helps a lot that he was working at home most of the time this was going on."

It's now a year and a half since her last stay in the hospital, and Henry came forward to tell her story because she wants women to seek help if they have to face what she has gone through.

Uterine prolapse is most common in women following following menopause, childbirth or a hysterectomy, according to

"Once I got past being mortified, I tried to keep my sense of humor. I can laugh about a lot of this now," she says. "But I also know what it means to not have your health."

...fucking gross.

Friday, November 6, 2009

International Waters

Girls Soccer, Really?

I don't normally post stuff about sports, but check this chick out. I couldn't imagine this girl off the field.