Thursday, December 3, 2009

In The Spirit of the Season...

With MTV premiering "Jersey Shore" in just a few short hours from now, it would only be right for YoBrahsh! to get ourselves, as well as you people, into the spirit of the season. Those of you that are from the area realize that none of us "fist pump like champs," and we are damn sure that none of you "started the poof." With that said, we would like to issue an open apology to those of you that read YoBrahsh! from outside of New Jeruze. If we had our way, these people would be your states problem, unfortunately it seems that a mass exodus of Italians is not likely to happen anytime soon. What better a time to post an absurd amount of pictures of the only demographic of people where the men look like women, the women look like men, orange is tan, and the only thing pumped more than steroids is fists. Enjoy.

The commercial that started it all:

Note the armpit sweat, most likely some form of grease.

For your viewing (dis)pleasure:

Here's a quick link for you:

NJ Guido for more pictures, videos, and so on of Jerseys favorite group of transexuals.

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