Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Allaire Airport NAMBLA Ad

This guy was definitely a pro-creeper, judging by his jorts, homemade muscle tee, and black sock and work boot combo. I take it that's his son, but then we thought, what if this creeper was all about being a part of NAMBLA, or the North American Man/Boy Love Association. For those of you that don't know, or haven't happen to have seen the episode of South Park, I think they covered it, but NAMBLA is a group of pervs that dig on young boys. Long story short, I think I may sell this picture to them to use in advertisements. Not that I support this disgusting crap in anyway, but a brother's gotta eat.

Creepiest Father Ever.

What is this dude thinking?


1 comment:

  1. nah this guy is cool as hell in my book
