Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Congratulations on Surviving 19 Years Nate, Maybe I'll Let you Live to See 20.

Nate is growing up so fast, so we celebrated by using this four day weekend for all different brands of debauchery. We treated these nights as true gentlemen would, with 4's of malt liquor of course. These are parts of said debauchery. 

Dre was impressed.


Scarves were in rare form that night. Ricky knew.

Pirate Status

Cecilia did her best midget impression.

James smoked cigarettes. 

We disposed of them properly on our arms.

Ricky said, "Whaaaaaaaat?!"

This guy explains his take on pain.

Ant and Mark the Hypeman less than hyped.

"Gucci Bandana" 

Plenty more debauchery, but my back hurts. 

Until we meet again.

A Big PS- I successfully fingered a ball out of the last cup, only after it was done almost tipping over. This doesn't sound cool, until it landed in the cup on the other side of the table. Just saying. 

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