Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In Preparation for 2012...

The Doomsday Clock will be changed for the first time since 2007. The Clock symbolizes how close the world is to, well, doom. It was created in 1947 while tensions between the US and the Soviets were gettin' pretty heated. Pretty heated...Cold War...come on, this is gold. Anyway, scientists are hinting at the fact that the minute hand may be moved forward from five minutes to midnight, where midnight represents destruction by nuclear weapons, climate change, and emerging technology in life sciences.. It is theorized that the move is being prompted by nuclear weapon development, as well as the high tensions between all countries involved in nuclear disarmament talks.

I however know that 2012 is right around the corner, and believe that they are preparing us for hostile takeover by those blue things in Avatar, although I'm still working on my hypothesis.

Here's the clincher. Since we are products of the technological age, we have computers, which of course means we can now watch live, in HD even, as our lives come drastically closer to the end.

Here's a promo. Below the video is the link to the site that will stream live on January 10 at 10 am.

Another link, in case you missed the other three.

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