Friday, October 23, 2009

Ice Skating Bear Kills Trainer...Finally

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan (Oct. 22) -- An ice-skating bear turned on its trainers, killing one and seriously wounding another, the director of a circus arena said Thursday.
Kurmangazy Isanayev said workers dragged the trainers with a visiting Russian troupe away from the bear following Wednesday's attack, which occurred as they were rehearsing for a show in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.
The exits were then closed and rescue services called in.
Police said they shot the bear dead.
The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper, reported that the 5-year-old bear was wearing ice skates when it lashed out at its handlers before a scheduled performance of "Bears on Ice" by the Russian state circus.
The animal dragged trainer Dmitry Potapov, 25, across the rink by his neck, killing him, the Telegraph and BBC News reported. A 29-year-old worker who tried to help Potapov was seriously mauled, the BBC said. Performing bears on ice are common attractions at Russian circuses. Some are equipped with helmets and sticks and trained to play hockey.

In case your like me and wondering what this would look like, skip ahead to 1:05

Here's some more videos of bears pretending to be humans:

and a bear that actually IS human:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Balloon Boy NOT Dead, Just Dumb

I'm going to speak for everyone when I say, that's it? Just like that? This stupid kid gets the whole country going, and then turns out to be hiding in a box in the attic. Has anyone seen this kid?

Balloon Boy in the Middle

I mean let's be real here. He's planning something in that very picture. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's safe, but I mean a search would have been cool, a search that maybe left the garage. Maybe I'm just too demanding.

Overall I hope this is a lesson for the parents. Your kid could have been in that morons, keep your stupid balloons deflated, or watch your freakin' kid.

PS to the parents- It costs $4,600 an hour for a Black Hawk Helicopter to fly, your son had one out for 3 hours. Have fun.

Balloon Boy 2003-2009

A six year old from Colorado was out playing behind his house, where his parents kept tethered a huge balloon used by the father who is some form of mad scientist clearly. His older brother says that he saw the child, Falcon, climb into the balloon and lift-off, raising the question, "what the hell?" This kids parents not only have a balloon big enough to carry a human in an enclosed compartment up to 11,000 feet in the air, but they keep it inflated and tethered in the backyard, and then turn their kids loose. He climbs in, takes off, cruises over Colorado for a bit, and the balloon touches down in the dirt, with no sign of him. 

This one is for you Balloon Boy, wherever you are.

And now a few of Balloon Boys favorite things:

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Actor: 
Rhys Ifans of Danny Deckchair fame

Favorite Book:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Christopher Walken Wednesday!

Another Wednesday, another Walken, or two cause I love you.

"Don't make me tell you again about the scooching."

Jimmy Fallon ruins everything, Walken holds it down as usual.

Jaquan, We Moved Your Bed to the Hall


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Super Late Beard Finale

I don't know why I never put this up, but here it is, the grand finale of Vikas' beard. It got pretty burly, but Vikas got pretty girly and shaved it in its prime. Coward

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Shoebox Pillows?

James Lee assed out, next to his bed. Adidas makes nice cardboard pillows.

YoHolla! @ purpleDRANKK

I was doing my usual internet rounds, lurking real hard, and happened as I often do upon purpleDRANKK. DRANKK is run by the one and only Maggie, of Patchy fame, and company. So there I was scoping the new posts, when what am I face-to-face with but a YoBrahsh! drop. Yewwwwwww. Being an awesome guy, I realized I couldn't be HOLLA-d at without HOLLA-ing back. Whenever anyone has the chance, and wants to get a little taste of what those crazy Beach kids are up to these days, swing by purpleDRANKK and find out.

For those of you that didn't realize that was a link, here it is again, in several languages, because who loves you like YoBrahsh! loves you? No one:

and now I leave you with a completely unrelated photo.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Is This Rape?

This guy is getting pummeled, and raped by this bird, and everyone else laughs. Instant classic.