Saturday, October 3, 2009

YoHolla! @ purpleDRANKK

I was doing my usual internet rounds, lurking real hard, and happened as I often do upon purpleDRANKK. DRANKK is run by the one and only Maggie, of Patchy fame, and company. So there I was scoping the new posts, when what am I face-to-face with but a YoBrahsh! drop. Yewwwwwww. Being an awesome guy, I realized I couldn't be HOLLA-d at without HOLLA-ing back. Whenever anyone has the chance, and wants to get a little taste of what those crazy Beach kids are up to these days, swing by purpleDRANKK and find out.

For those of you that didn't realize that was a link, here it is again, in several languages, because who loves you like YoBrahsh! loves you? No one:

and now I leave you with a completely unrelated photo.

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